Friday, January 4, 2013

F.I.V.E. W.E.E.K.S. T.O. G.O. !!

Holy Moly! Only 5 weeks left for Lucas to be in my belly! He has learned how to start stretching and this is muy uncomfortable for this little momma! Between Braxton Hicks contractions and frequent pee breaks, I would my body is primed and ready for the next stage! Baby boy is still head down and is around 5 1/2 - 6 lbs at this point! At my follow up appointment at the OBGYN, my midwife did everything but award me a trophy for how well my BP, HR, weight, size, and lack of swelling was! It took all I had not to skip back to my car! Lucas is already developing a little personality, and his hiccups are becoming a daily occurrence! And for those of you that are wondering, he LOVES my high-pitched voice that I use when talking to the cats, and told me himself that he wants me to talk to him in it every day after he arrives : )
I'm gonna stick to the short and sweet of it in regards to my stats for this week. We all know I'm in maternity clothes and we all know I am bouncing up and down with glee that we get to meet our little one in less than 5 weeks, so I'll stick to the basics! 
Symptoms - Braxton Hicks contractions. Enough said. 15-20 a day. The uterus is hard at work these days! (Sorry if that's too much information, but really, isn't it a little late for that anyways??!!)
Baby's activity - he's completely developed! Gooooo LUCAS! Now just packing on the pounds!
What I'm looking forward to most - kissing my baby's sweet face, toes, hands, and butt cheeks! (Yeah I said it, I will definitely give them a little smooch!)
Cravings - well we know the Sonic strawberry slush has reigned supreme in my pregnancy book, BUT I have cheated on them a little bit with the Strawberry Creme Frutista from Taco Bell! This thing is no joke, and while the "Creme" in the name may make you think, "Hmm, that sounds heavy,"
it's really not! It actually cuts back on some of the sweetness and it is just pure T ahhh-mazing!
Funniest Moment of the Last Couple of Weeks - Well at the time it was NOT very funny, but while getting out of the car at McDonald's of all places (surprise surprise.), my foot got caught on the edge of the floor board and I went flailing across the parking lot. After falling, I straight up threw my Coach purse even further across the parking lot and broke down in tears. Dee came around the car to find me on the ground in all of my red splotchy-faced glory with my poor Coach bag suffering on the dirty concrete! He helped me up and hugged me tight and just listened to me cry for a few more minutes while cars zoomed by and probably prayed for me as they thought I may have very well been a patient just released from the psych ward. He calmed me down and put me back in the car for us to just get our Mickey D's via drive thru this time around. We have had many laughs about this since and will continue to enjoy this mental image, I'm sure!
Okay so maybe that wasn't as short and sweet as I had planned,
but hopefully you enjoyed it either way! Here are updated pictures for your viewing pleasure!

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